On the Coming Spring Term

(Note: This message was originally distributed to campus via e-mail.)

December 22, 2021

Dear North Carolina A&T Community,

As we plan to return to campus for the start of the spring semester, the CoVID-19 pandemic continues to change, with coronavirus strains or variants spreading around the world. The latest, Omicron, is moving rapidly.

In light of that, we will enter the new year as we are ending the current one – observing prevention measures aimed at continuing our success in maintaining a healthy campus environment. That means:

  • We have made no changes to operations and will start the new year with the same measures in place that governed the university in Fall 2021. Refresh your understanding of those measures at the Aggies Care website.
  • Masking will continue to be required in all indoor settings where anyone besides yourself is present. Masks will not be required outdoors, though they will continue to be recommended in settings where you do not know the vaccine history of those around you.
  • We strongly encourage you to become fully vaccinated. Vaccines and booster shots are readily available at the A&T CoVID Vaccination Clinic and the Student Health Center. Visit http://www.crnabiz.com/coronavirus/index.php for details.

Community members are not only welcome to be vaccinated at our clinic, we encourage it! Make your appointment here.