Highlighted Dates and Deadlines

Students and alumni who want advice about externally funded extraordinary opportunities (EOs) are encouraged to schedule an introductory meeting now with Ms. Gallop, the National Scholarships and Fellowships Coordinator and Fulbright Program Adviser.  In general, you should plan to have at least one follow up advising/coaching meeting before you decide if and when to apply for an EO.

Applicants for EOs should use at least four weeks (and often 12+ weeks) to prepare a strong application with coaching and guidance from Ms. Gallop and to obtain strong and detailed letters of recommendation.  Some EOs have required campus deadlines and required endorsement.


Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) 2023-24 Presentation and Lecture

Thur., Jan. 25, 2024 at 6PM (doors open 5:30PM) in Harrison Auditorium

Press release: http://www.crnabiz.com/news/2024/01/3-astronaut-scholars-hbcu-history.php

Join us as Astronaut Frederick Drew Gregory, Colonel, USAF (Ret.) leads a public on-campus presentation of the historic cohort of three 2023 Astronaut Scholarship recipients from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University! This presentation will be followed by a lecture by Mr. Gregory and a brief opportunity for pictures.

Astronaut Scholarship information session and meet-and-greet

Fri., Jan. 26, 2024 at 12:30PM in Student Center 342

You do NOT need to aspire to become an Astronaut to apply for this EO--it is named in reference to the six surviving Mercury 7 astronauts.

This EO can help STEM students connect with leaders and innovators while also receiving up to $15K for eligible academic expenses. Attend to learn how you can apply.

Flyer and more details: http://tockify.com/aggiehonors/detail/1717/1706290200000 


HIGHLIGHTED DATES and DEADLINES (general timelines only)

Endorsed UK Postgraduate EOs

March-June of the national deadline

  • Indicate intent to apply for a UK postgraduate EO (Marshall, Mitchell, and/or Rhodes Scholarships, as well as some Fulbright Program grant options)
  • Register for an online Fulbright Program grant application

Through August of the national deadline

  • Work on your application responses (10+ versions is not uncommon) and request letters of recommendation (LORs) after meeting with Ms. Gallop
  • Meet with your LOR writers
  • Thoroughly review academic degree and discipline options


Endorsed Undergraduate EOs

Through October before national deadlines

  • Indicate intent to apply for an undergraduate EO (e.g., Gilman, Truman, Goldwater, Astronaut, Udall, Boren, and ESU Luard Morse Scholarships)
  • Meet with Ms. Gallop
  • Start identifying letter of recommendation (LOR) writers


Follow on Twitter and Instagram: @NCAT_EO