Structured Supplemental Instruction (SSI)


To increase students persistent, retention and success in entry level college mathematics and science gateway courses by providing collaborative peer and/or faculty learning experiences that improve understanding of subject content foster critical thinking, and strengthen study skills.


Provide Supplemental Instruction sessions to help students meet their academic goals.

The Supplemental Instruction Program will serve as a bridge for students to achieve their academic goals and share their diverse experiences to benefit the university research environment through peer-/faculty-facilitated collaborative learning. Services include Peer-led and Faculty-led SI, Structured SI, Virtual SI and Professional Tutoring for Mathematics courses taught in CAE.

Explanation of SSI: Peer Led vs. Faculty Led

Peer-Led SSI

  • Peer-assisted facilitated small groups.
  • Give student feedback on their performance
  • Students will…
    • Strengthen their subject knowledge as they master the content of a course
    • Enhance their ability to learn independently and effectively
    • Understand concepts, evaluate problems, and develop solutions
    • Learn to work together to understand different perspectives, analyze critically, and apply new skills
    • Develop learning skills and study strategies that can be applied to other courses

Faculty-Led SSI

  • SI Sessions facilitated by Faculty
  • Refer students to math seminars or tutoring as needed
  • Refer students to basic skills workshops as needed



  • Faculty-led sessions in different math areas and open lab for all students and student athlete
  • Built-in SI sessions to Intermediate Math courses, traditional and hybrid.
  • Faculty-led, professional tutoring and group tutoring in the high rate failure math courses.


Contact Information

Torrey Burden – - Assistant Director CAE Academic Support

Wilson Jones – – Faculty-Led SSI Coordinator

Ahmed Ahmed – – Peer-Led SSI Coordinator

For more information on SI, or to schedule a session, please contact the Center for Academic Excellence at (336)334-7855.